Fun Post: 10 Dating Vocabulary expressions you must know

Some of us have dated well. Some of us have been disasters. Some of us have struggled to find a date. Some of us have dated enough to get bored of it. Whatever the case, dating is exciting. Here are some “trendy” dating expressions that you must know. These will help time to time. If you already know them, you’re in my boat. Just have fun then.

10 Dating Vocabulary expressions you must know

1. Ask someone out

To “ask someone out” is to literally ask them if they want to go out on a date with you.

Tip: If you’ve been really meaning to ask someone out, do it now before someone else whisks them away.

2. Date

Everybody knows this. A “date” means to go somewhere with someone you are attracted to in order to spend some quality time together.

Friends often date each other.
I have a date to get ready for.

3. To make up

To “make up” is to forgive someone after an argument so that you both feel better and are no longer angry at each other.

It’s a good idea to make up soon else you are in for trouble.
Paul made up to Paula after he broke her favourite cup.

4. To play hard to get

To “play hard to get” is to act as if you are not interested in someone so that they will try harder to get you to be interested in them.

You should call Angela again – I think she’s just playing hard to get.
I am not going to suggest that you play hard to get.

5. Relationship

When two people have a committed attachment to each other and share a long term bond they generally term it as a relationship.


It was a relationship she had planned and wanted.

Everyone is looking for a relationship with someone who understands and respects them.

6. Have a crush on

This is a very high school term. This expression simply means to have feelings for someone else.

Example: I had a crush on Samuel when we went for a movie together.

7. Got over

This expression indicates that the person has lost feelings for someone whom they initially liked.

Example: I got over John once we finished our college.

8. Out of one’s league

We use this phrase when we think that the person you like is not suitable for you or does not match your type.

Example: William is out of your league because he is so talented.

9. See someone

See someone means the same as date someone.

Example: Are you seeing anyone right now?

I am seeing Harper these days.

10. We are through

This is the most heartbreaking statement that no one would like to hear. This statement is a harsh way of ending a relationship with someone and is considered rude as well.

Example: We are through! I don’t want to see you anymore.

These were 10 dating vocabulary expression mostly used in the matters of love, hate and what not! Hope this article has enriched your dating vocabulary. Hope you don’t break any heart.

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