This post will really help if you’re unable to speak up.; if you run away from difficult conversations and lose your peace. I’ve been there and I feel you. This…
Browsing CategorySelf-Improvement
Difference between Successful Learners & Struggling Learners
Why is it that one person is successful while the other is struggling? Why is it that some people get the jobs or the promotions and the others struggle? As…
Improve How YOU Think, Feel and Act by REDUCING Generalisation, deletion and distortion
Life has its uncertainties. Relationships have its uncertainties. Jobs and businesses have uncertainties. Friendships have uncertainties. Some of the uncertainties are out of our control while some can be worked…
4 Must have Skills to Achieve SUCCESS
“Success is counted sweetestBy those who ne’er succeed.” Emily Dickinson I have grown up with these words. This poem was published in 1864 but the couplet holds true even today….
Develop Yourself in 4 steps
Like I always say – developing any kind of skill is a continuous effort. You cannot expect miraculous results overnight. Whether you’re working to improve your social skills, communication skills,…
7 Amazing Tips for Self Improvement (These work)
Self-improvement is important because it boosts your confidence level and helps you live a successful and happy life. So here are 7 self-improvement tips or guidelines that will help you to achieve your personal and professional goals in a successful manner.
9 Tips to Gain Confidence when Speaking
We are what we speak! Speaking is what we do the most. We speak to impress, to express, to communicate, to celebrate! Some of us fear public speaking. In fact, a…
10 Amazing Steps to Build a Strong Positive Self Image
Our self-image is dynamic and keeps changing throughout our life cycle. Self-image is the personal view that we have for ourselves. Having a positive and confident self-image is important or…